Covid (Again?) + Last Week's Digest
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Last Week's Digest + A Throwback

This week, Spectacles explains new forms of right-wing ideology and eyes democratic breakdown in Europe. (+ more on climate!)

Last Week's Digest + A Throwback

This week, Spectacles explains new forms of right-wing ideology and eyes democratic breakdown in Europe. (+ more on climate!)

Spectacles  — 09 November 2021

From the archive:

Insight - Mr. Carlson Goes to Budapest
Tucker Carlson tries to pass off Viktor Orbán’s pernicious dismantling of Hungarian democracy as an epitome of freedom worth imitating.
This week, we cover Hungary's democratic breakdown and the National Conservatism of Tucker Carlson. For both those ideas explored together, see this, one of our favorite articles, on Tucker's visit to Hungary to speak with Prime Minister Orbán. 

Everything from last week:

Backsliding in Budapest | Bird’s Eye
Join the editors as they discuss backsliding in Hungary. What are the precise mechanism’s used to undermine rule of law and popular government?
Harry and Philip dive into the case of democratic collapse in Hungary. It's a straightforward episode, and you'll learn a lot about a modern example worth understanding.
The Missing Link in the Climate Debate | Focus
Much ado about spending can obscure just how critical regulatory reform is to reaching a sustainable future.
Philip offers his own theory about the big talking point everyone keeps forgetting in climate policy debates: regulation. It's a powerful tool the government ought to use intelligently.
Laundering Bloody Brass | Insight
Lack of accountability for a drone strike that killed ten civilians indicates a new need for oversight.
Harry explains how we are lacking an accountability structure with military leadership, resulting in a culture that is both prone to atrocity and at odds with democracy.
The Post-Liberal Roller Coaster | Insight
“National Conservatives” met next door to Disney World, but it’s no joke. What is this movement, and how is it a danger to democracy?
Harry takes a trip down to Orlando for the National Conservatism conference. It looks like the "small government" types want a whole lot of totalitarianism.
On Climate: Summits and Speeches | Insight
Following one summit in Rome and an upcoming one on climate in Glasgow, world leaders differ on climate action.
Philip quickly goes over what went down in Rome at G20. Then, hear from a few world leaders about the conference and what they expect from the climate conference in Glasgow.
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