From the archive:
Insight - Biden’s Big Reconciliation Bill is No Way to Reform the Welfare State
The strategy for passing the largest expansion of the welfare state since the LBJ era reveals how deeply the filibuster has damaged Congress.
Last week's digest:
Bird’s Eye - The Political Spectrum and Political Alignment
Join Harry and Philip as they begin an exploration of the political spectrum, political alignment, and the two party system.

Focus - Lessons from Norm MacDonald: Comedy in a Democracy
Following the passing of one of comedy’s greatest of all time, we have a moment to pause and consider what humor can do for us in a democracy.

Insight - The Promises and Perils of Australia’s New Submarines
A new defensive pact may help to shore up regional security against Chinese expansion, but it’s a partial solution with its own drawbacks.

Insight - Disastrous Developments in Haiti
In the midst of political chaos following the assassination of a president, Haiti offers us cause to reflect on American foreign policy.

Insight - Saudi Arabia’s Missing Missile Mystery
The Biden administration’s silence on its withdrawal of valuable missile defenses from Saudi Arabia is perplexing, given the kingdom’s unpopularity in the United States.