Covid (Again?) + Last Week's Digest
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Last Week's Digest + A Throwback

French nostalgia, communist cover-ups, anarchists, and the future of global peace. It's a big week.

Last Week's Digest + A Throwback

French nostalgia, communist cover-ups, anarchists, and the future of global peace. It's a big week.

Spectacles  — 07 December 2021

From the archive:

Black Gold, Dark Money | Insight
Oil companies testified before Congress on climate misinformation campaigns, but politicians should take a look in the mirror.
Yesterday, Philip did an explainer on corruption in our democracy. This peace is a great addition.

Everything from last week:

The Future of Peace, Part I | Bird’s Eye
Join Harry and Philip as they begin a discussion of international institutions and how they contribute (or fail to contribute) to global peace.
Harry and Philip discuss international institutions. What the hell are they, and why does it matter?
The Anarchist’s Cooked-Book | Focus
An expansive new history of human political life is exhilarating, but ultimately an exercise in the same myth-making the authors condemn.
Harry reviews a recent best-seller promising startling new discoveries about ancient humans. Key word: promising.
#MeToo and Democracy in Essence | Insight
Andrew Cuomo’s precipitous fall from grace and the CCP’s silencing of Peng Shuai underscore the importance of activism.
Philip examines the fallout of #MeToo claims in America and China, with lessons on activism.
The Many Faces of Nostalgia | Insight
There’s a new far-right candidate on the French political stage. What does his nostalgia for the past herald for the future of French democracy?
Philip takes a hard look at a new French presidential candidate, Eric Zemmour, and the persistent danger of some kinds of nostalgia in a democracy.
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